Götz von Berlichingen had his famous iron hand produced. For its time, it is an absolute masterpiece of sheet-metal machining and engineering. Götz lost his hand in 1504 in the War of the Succession of Landshut. The knight Götz von Berlichingen became famous far and wide through his Swabian greeting "Legg me am Arsch" ["kiss my xxxx"], and also the play "Götz von Berlichingen" from Johann Wolfgang von Goethe. This can be experienced in the annual castle festival, which has been taking place since 1949: Burgfestspiele in Jagsthausen.
LTI-Metalltechnik is one of the leading companies in supplying complex sheet-metal parts of a wide variety of types. Over 700 employees work on a production area of 36,600 sqm at the four locations Berlichingen, Bobstadt and Windischbuch (plants I and II). The sister companies in Thuringia and the UK altogether employ some 260 members of staff and have a combined production area of around 11,500 sqm (England and Thuringia).
The one-man business becomes a limited company with 6 employees. The products of LTI-Lüftungstechnik originate from agriculture. With hay blowers and thermal pumps for heating up process water through barn air, LTI was already developing highly innovative and forward-thinking products back then.